The CLEAN PACIFIC Conference & Exhibition delivers solutions for spill prevention and response for oil and hazardous materials in the marine and inland environment. It brings together all parties responsible for prevention and response operations in the Western United States and Canada to discuss best practices and build interagency relationships vital to a successful response. CLEAN PACIFIC was designed to deliver a program that covers issues unique to the West, and the conference agenda is carefully built out by a group of experts representing State/Provincial and Federal Government, industry and non-profit partners in oil spill prevention, preparedness, and response.
Prospective speakers are invited to submit a 200-300 word abstract(s) online for consideration by Friday, November 16, 2018. All abstracts are reviewed for content and relevance by the planning committee and are selected by consensus.
What puts your abstract in a favorable light?
What will likely get your abstract rejected?
NOTE: Limit 2 submissions per speaker. Accepted speakers receive complimentary registration to the conference. Only one complimentary registration per submission. Notifications regarding acceptance into the program will be emailed no later than mid-January 2019.
The CLEAN PACIFIC Conference & Exhibition is extending an industry-wide call for participation.
We are seeking practical abstracts including but not limited to:
Best practices for complex oil spill incidents
Case studies Common Operating Picture Contingency planning Crisis communication Dispersant use in cold water Drills and training Emergency response procedures Emerging issues Emerging response technologies Environmental cleanup strategies Exercise development and execution Future laws and regulations – state, provincial and federal Future of the Unified Command Hazardous waste disposal challenges Incident Action Plan Incident Command System Information management in major spills Inland risk assessment and management Integration and engagement- involving locals and volunteers Interagency operability Lessons learned Managing oil waste Marine Risk Assessment Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Near-shore response planning |
New response techniques
New technologies New threats Pipeline issues Pipelines: aging infrastructure Prevention of spills in the Arctic Problems/issues affecting the maritime industry Rail issues Regulatory compliance Remote responses – spill preparedness Responding to pipeline, emulsion line releases and blow-outs Responding to river spills Response safety Response to sinking oils Response to spills in the Arctic Salvage and Marine Fire Fighting Seashore Cleanup Assessment Teams (SCAT) Spill management team capabilities and performance Subsurface Operations Terminals Trans-boundary response issues Transport of Diluted Bitumen Unmanned Arial Vehicles Upcoming environmental issues Vessel transport Wildlife response |
For questions non-exhibit related contact Cassie Davie, 713-343-1891, email